【最新160717 GRE機經真題整理】
▲ 閱讀
0717 GRE閱讀:總共命中四篇閱讀真經班原題(共10題)
◆ 0717GRE閱讀第一篇命中: Problem Solution:Nest Selection of
River Blenny 河鯰魚選址築窩(本篇英文原題請見上面連結下載哦!)
1. The passage is concerned with which of the following?
Establishing nest orientation as a determining factor
in egg laying among female river blennies
2. The author of the passage considers "current speeds"
in order to
eliminate a possible explanation for a nest orientation
tendency among female river blennies
◆ 0717GRE閱讀第二篇命中:Critique1: 18th C. Women & Novels
十八世紀女人與小說 (本篇英文原題請見上面連結下載哦!)
1. The author's primary purpose is that
a particular issue is more complex than it might appear
2. According to the passage, which of the following is true
of Hume's reputation in the late eighteenth century?
His historical writing, like his philosophical writing,
came to be regarded as problematic
3. The author mentions the "widespread doubts" in order to
identify an ambiguity in Hanway's depiction of the
philosopher in The Northern Wanderer
◆ 0717GRE閱讀第三篇命中:Exposition: Landsliding 山崩
1. The author of the passage cites "evidence from the
past" in order to
highlight a scientific consensus
2. The passage makes which of the following claims?
Decreases in landsliding activity have historically
been accompanied by changes in climate.
3. The author of the passage suggests which of the
following about the role of human factors in
landsliding activity?
Human factors can intensify or alter the effects
of climate change on landsliding activity.
◆ 0717GRE閱讀第四篇命中:Critique1:Species Composition物種組成
1. It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be
most likely to agree with which of the following statements
about the "early view"?
It presents a simplistic picture of the means by which
species composition within ecosystems is determined.
2. It can be inferred that the author of the passage mentions
the efficiency with which gray squirrels forage primarily
in order to
acknowledge a fact that appears to support a view that the
author intends to qualify.
▲ 填空
◆填空命中真經班:The era's examples of…
【真經班字源】authoritative:< au- = av-:bird 鳥 →高>
◆填空命中真經班:Many legislators…
【真經班字源】bemoan:moan (形聲字) v.發出呻吟聲;哀悼;抱怨
◆填空命中真經班:In a production process…
◆填空命中真經班:For a long time now…
【真經班解答】(i) at odds (ii) first-rate
◆填空命中真經班:The heart of present-day studies…
【真經班解答】(i) stable (ii) )distinguishable
【真經班字源】distinguish:(v. 識別)+ < -able:可以…的 >
→ 可辨識的。
< dis-:against 相反 > + < -stinc:sting針→突出>
◆填空命中真經班:Essin's facility in solving....
【真經班解答】(i) facility in (ii) arcane (iii) mystify
【真經班字源】facility:< fac-:do 做 > →輔助做事的東西 →設備→
◆填空命中真經班:Laws protecting intellectual properties...
【真經班解答】(i) languishing (ii) extend (iii) manages to thrive
【真經班字源】languish:< lang-:lax 鬆懈的 >→人只要鬆懈久了,
◆填空命中真經班:As a critic, Nelson is noteworthy...
【真經班解答】humility = modesty
【真經班字源】humility:< hum-:earth 土 > →土地→地下→低下→謙遜
◆填空命中真經班:Wilson is wont to...
【真經班解答】beneficence = altruism
【真經班字源】beneficence:< bene-:good 好的;優質的 > +
< fac-:do 做 > → 做好事→慈善
◆填空命中真經班:Coagulation factors…
【真經班解答】belie = mask
【真經班字源】belie:< be-:動詞字首 > + lie(v. 說謊)→ 掩飾
◆填空命中真經班:Tompkinson's prior…
【真經班解答】portend = predict
◆填空命中真經班:Doris Kearns Goodwin's elegant…
【真經班解答】gratify = please
【真經班字源】gratifying:< grat-:great 很好的 >
→ 很感謝的 → 很滿足的
◆填空命中真經班:One big challenge with…
【真經班解答】capricious = unpredictable
▲ 邏輯:同學回報
1. 有關於吃有機食物的人得癌症機率比較低
2. 一家工廠經常排放xx導致河流y細菌含量很高,工廠這兩年不排放xx了,
▲ 數學:同學回報
1. 比大小 : A: standard deviation of x, X+1, x+70
B: standard deviation x+10, x+11, x+80
2. 選擇題 :一群人有15% 大於等於16歲,問這群人總共最少有幾人?
(A)10 (B)15 (C)20 (D)30 (E)40
3. 圖表題 : 距離、時間,時間是12:00、12:30 、13:00的那題
4. 比大小 : 一個圓內切6邊形跟12邊形,6邊形面積等於x,
5. 一個大圈和小圈,兩者距離差5,求兩個的周長差多少?
▲ 寫作
[051] 命中GRE作文黃寶書7月號
[031、071、118、152] 命中GRE作文黃寶書7月號
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