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0914 GRE填空/等價真題:總共十五組命中真經班
◆填空命中真經班:Most capuchin monkey conflict………(本篇英文原題)
Most capuchin monkey conflict involves such a (i)______ repertoire of gestural
and vocal signals that it is difficult for researchers to tease apart the
meanings of the individual signals. This (ii) ______ is (iii) ______ by the fact
that many signals seem to shift in meaning according to the context in which
they are produced and the developmental stage of the individuals producing them.
【真經班解答】(i) rich (ii) problem (iii) augmented
◆填空命中真經班:(i) ______ have often shrilled………(本篇英文原題)
(i) ______ have often shrilled that Australia's Great Barrier Reef is dying, a
result of agricultural runoff from the (ii) ______ Queensland coast. In truth,
the preservation of the reef (iii) ______, a combination of active government
intervention and the beneficial effects of responsible tourism.
【真經班解答】(i) Scaremongers (ii) over-farmed (iii) is something of
a success
【真經班解析】scaremonger : scare(n. 驚嚇;恐懼)+ monger(n. 販子;傳播壞事的
人)→ 專門散佈令人驚恐消息的人 → 散佈謠言的人。
◆填空命中真經班:Behavior economists found that………
◆填空命中真經班:The enthusiasm that many………
◆填空命中真經班:Given children's active fantasy………
◆填空命中真經班:Biologists have little (i) ______………
◆填空命中真經班:There has been (i) ______……
◆填空命中真經班:The cognitive flexibility of………
◆填空命中真經班:Scholars have marveled over………
◆填空命中真經班:According to Dr. Edith……
◆填空命中真經班:JJR notes that popular………
◆填空命中真經班:According to some political………
◆填空命中真經班:Since he had demonstrated………
◆填空命中真經班:Apparent flaws in the………
◆填空命中真經班:Although Wynne claims to………
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0914 GRE閱讀:總共命中二篇閱讀真經班原題(共7題)
◆0914 GRE閱讀第一篇命中:America's colonization美洲最早的殖民(本篇英文原題)
Some archaeologists speculate that the Americas might have been initially
colonized between 40,000 and 25,000 years ago. However, to support this theory
it is necessary to explain the absence of generally accepted habitation sites
for that time interval in what is now the United States. Australia, which has a
smaller land area than the United State, has many such sites, supporting the
generally accepted claim that the continent was colonized by humans at least
40,000 years ago. Australia is less densely populated (resulting in lower
chances of discovering sites) and with its overall greater aridity would have
presented conditions less favorable for hunter-gatherer occupation.
Proportionally, at least as much land area has been lost from the coastal
regions of Australia because of postglacial sea-level rise as in the United
States, so any coastal archaeological record in Australia should have been
depleted about as much as a coastal record in the United States. Since there
are so many resource-rich rivers leading inland from the United States
coastlines, it seems implausible that a growing population of humans would have
confined itself to coasts for thousands of years. If inhabitants were present
25,000 years ago, the chances of their appearing in the archaeological record
would seem to be greater than for Australia.
1. The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?
Presenting an objection to a claim
2. The author of the passage implies that which of the following about 25,000
years ago?
Global sea level was lower than it is now.
3. The author of the passage implies that, in what is now the United States,
archaeological evidence of inhabitation in the period from 40,000 to 25,000
years ago is lacking because that region
was colonized less than 25,000 years ago
◆0914 GRE閱讀第二篇命中:Massive Projectiles
0914 GRE邏輯真題:總共三組命中真經班
◆邏輯命中真經班:When on an airplane……(本篇英文原題)
When on an airplane, Consuelo never enjoys movies that have been widely
recommended because the poor quality of the picture spoils her enjoyment. Since
in no circumstances does she ever enjoy movies that have been widely derided,
it follows that she never enjoys movies on airplanes.
Which of the following, if true, would enable the conclusion of the argument to
be properly drawn?
If a movie shown on an airplane is not widely derided, then it is invariable
widely recommended.
◆邏輯命中真經班:Although initially symptomless, glaucoma………(本篇英文原題)
Although initially symptomless, glaucoma can eventually cause blindness when not
properly treated. Tests under laboratory conditions of the traditional
treatment, daily administration of eyedrops, show it to be as effective in
relieving the internal ocular pressure that causes glaucoma as is a new
laser-surgical procedure. Yet glaucoma-related blindness occurs in a
significantly smaller percentage of patients who have had the surgery than of
patients for whom only the eyedrop treatment was prescribed.
Which of following, if true, most helps to explain the low rate glaucoma-related
blindness among patients who had the surgery?
A significant percentage of the people for whom the eyedrop treatment has been
prescribed fail to follow the prescribed daily regimen, because the eyedrops
have unpleasant side effects.
◆邏輯命中真經班:Members of San, a………
◆一個常態分佈,mean 是50,方差是5.4,問是 44.5-48的人數多還是 55.4-58人數多。
◆67個人, 48個喜歡car racing 27個喜歡sky,每個人有的喜歡racing,有的喜歡sky,
[] 命中GRE作文黃寶書9月號
[] 命中GRE作文黃寶書9月號