[分享] 190302 GRE機經真題整理

作者: liamasso (字神帝國)   2019-03-08 16:57:53
【190302 GRE機經真題整理】
0302 GRE填空/等價真題:總共十七組命中真經班
◆填空命中真經班:It is possible for………(本篇英文原題)
It is possible for human to go 40 or more hours without sleep and still be able
to (i) ______ information acquired at the beginning of the sleepless period.
Thus, when we are considering a role for sleep in human memory consolidation, we
are referring to a possible role in the (ii) ______ encoding of information and
optimizing of recall, not a (iii) ______ of sleep for recalling events of the
prior day.
【真經班解答】(i) disgorge (ii) longer-term (iii) requirement
【真經班解析】disgorge : < dis-:against 相反的動作 > + gorge(n. 咽喉)→ 從喉
嚨吐出來 → 說出;交出?[mC
◆填空命中真經班:The economic recovery was………(本篇英文原題)
The economic recovery was somewhat lopsided: (i)_____ in some of the industrial
economies while (ii)_____ in others of them.
【真經班解答】(i) feeble (ii) robust
【真經班解析】lopsided : < lop-:lean 傾斜 > + side(n. 旁邊;側)→ 傾向一邊的
→ 兩邊不平衡的。
◆填空命中真經班:The reconstructed poem is………
◆填空命中真經班:The professor's habitual air………
◆填空命中真經班:Coagulation factors are useful………
◆填空命中真經班:Any notion of justice………
◆填空命中真經班:Despite the general ______……
◆填空命中真經班:Criticized for decades of………
◆填空命中真經班:There has been (i) ______………
◆填空命中真經班:British critics covering African………
◆填空命中真經班:Despite its best efforts……
◆填空命中真經班:The automation of many………
◆填空命中真經班:The environmental threat posed……
◆填空命中真經班:In Ramachandran's opinion, it………
◆填空命中真經班:Knowing how (i) ______ she……
◆填空命中真經班:Throughout much of the………
◆填空命中真經班:The new drug was………
▲ 閱讀
0302 GRE閱讀:總共命中九篇閱讀真經班原題(共23題?[m^
◆0302 GRE閱讀第一篇命中:Egg Production 下蛋 (本篇英文原題)
Biologists have long debated about whether egg production in birds is
biologically highly costly, some theorizing that egg production is energetically
or nutritionally demanding. Lack, however, suggested that clutch size-the number
of eggs a bird lays per breeding cycle- is far below the potential limit of egg
production. He suggested that clutch size had instead evolved in relation to the
number of young that the parents could successfully rear. Subsequently, most
studies focused on limitations operating during chick rearing, particularly
among altricial species (species in which the parents feed their young in the
nest). Lack later recognized that in precocial species (species in which young
feed themselves), clutch size might be explained by different factors - the
availability of food for egg-laying females, for example.
1. The passage suggests that biologists who say egg production in birds is
biologically highly costly would agree that clutch size is determined primarily
The nutritional and energy demands of egg production.
Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
2. The passage suggests that Lack would agree with which of the following
statements about factors affecting clutch size in birds?
In altricial species, clutch size is determined primarily by factors operating
after eggs are laid.
In many bird species, clutch size generally remains well below the potential
limit of egg production.
◆0302 GRE閱讀第二篇命中:Native American Ceramics印地安人瓷器 (本篇英文原題)
Archaeologists studying Bonito phase (ca. A.D. 900-1140) Native American
ceramics from Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, observed that many pots had been altered
after firing to revise their decorative designs

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