【191130 GRE機經真題整理】
本次英文原題整理請參見:https://reurl.cc/yy4ZQE (限12/13前)
1130 GRE填空/等價真題:總共三十三組命中真經班
◆填空命中真經班:It is hardly ______ the………(本篇英文原題)
等價:It is hardly ______ the committee calls for: rudimentary competence
would be an improvement on the current chaos.
【真經班解答】faultlessness = perfection
【真經班解析】faultless: fault(n. 過錯)+ < -less:沒有 > → 沒有錯誤的
◆填空命中真經班:As a historical genre………(本篇英文原題)
等價:As a historical genre, biography is best when ______, a careful
reconstruction of the past in all its unfamiliar particularity
【真經班解答】meticulous = thorough
【真經班解析】retrospective : < retro-:back 回 > + < -spec:see 看 >
→觀望過去的 → 回顧的。
◆填空命中真經班:The sailors realized too………
◆填空命中真經班:Flawed as it may………
◆填空命中真經班:The territory's tradition of………
◆填空命中真經班:Her problem with postmodernist ………
◆填空命中真經班:Fears that the recent……
◆填空命中真經班:For all the ______ the………
◆填空命中真經班:In its few decades………
◆填空命中真經班:Edited collections of scholarly………
◆填空命中真經班:For parents, the pleasure………
◆填空命中真經班:The benefits offered by………
◆填空命中真經班:Few ideas are more………
◆填空命中真經班:Wilson is wont to………
◆填空命中真經班:A minor criticism of………
◆填空命中真經班:Aerial viewings of the………
◆填空命中真經班:The medical professor's thesis………
◆填空命中真經班:The concept of increasing………
◆填空命中真經班:Recent research runs counter………
◆填空命中真經班:That S and W………
◆填空命中真經班:Coagulation factors are useful………
◆填空命中真經班:As he has matured………
◆填空命中真經班:Having regarded Marcus relationship………
◆填空命中真經班:As cheaper imports drove………
◆填空命中真經班:The difficulty for nineteenth-century………
◆填空命中真經班:Paintings created in India………
◆填空命中真經班:Analysis for the structural………
◆填空命中真經班:Every serious attempt at………
◆填空命中真經班:In the absence of………
◆填空命中真經班:In the discussions on………
◆填空命中真經班:One of the vocalists………
◆填空命中真經班:In the Old Southwest………
◆填空命中真經班:Political philosophers for a………
1130 GRE閱讀:總共命中九篇閱讀真經班原題(共19題)
◆1130 GRE閱讀第一篇命中:Textile Industry in Japan日本的紡織業(本篇英文原題)
From the 1880s to the 1930s, the textile industry in Japan employed over
half of all workers, most of them in the three major branches of silk reeling,
cotton spinning, and weaving. Because the branches were highly diverse