[情報] 10/3 The daily horoscope

作者: sujaya (雲 悅)   2014-10-02 23:38:34
Friday Oct 3
You are in the process of a transformation now, Gemini, but this is an
extraordinary transformation. You are moving beyond a long-held personal
boundary. You are facing a fear, and dealing with it. The changes this will
have on you personally, and on your life in just about every way possible, is
absolutely positive.
It may not seem that right now, though, because you are dealing with the
anxiety and stress of this change. Keep the faith that you are headed toward
something better and brighter than you have known before, and that will get
you through.
作者: zz860619 (Kukuboo)   2014-10-02 23:44:00
加油 相信自己!
作者: shuarmy (That's Me)   2014-10-02 23:54:00
作者: sinshun (進擊的臭酸宅)   2014-10-03 00:11:00
作者: energyisme26 (倩倩兒)   2014-10-03 00:41:00
作者: yuanyu90221 (菜菜鳥)   2014-10-03 01:07:00
作者: Pink0608 (沒羊喔喔)   2014-10-03 01:20:00
作者: forgetcry66 (欸腐六六)   2014-10-03 01:27:00
希望改變之後的選擇是更好的!! 加油!!
作者: ken211812 (鄧肯)   2014-10-03 02:16:00
作者: rrr1123 (風中一朵喇吧花)   2014-10-03 02:46:00
分手讓我成長嗎 好沈痛
作者: chandphybest (HEYAMY)   2014-10-03 09:54:00
推~will be better
作者: airilis (airilis)   2014-10-03 10:41:00
看完默默的...大哭了 最近身心真的好疲乏 但必須堅強起來
作者: wdidi0524   2014-10-03 11:13:00
作者: niarr (雨天)   2014-10-03 13:26:00
作者: crazyalice (Alice)   2014-10-03 14:05:00
作者: zxc114070 (yayayayaya)   2014-10-03 17:21:00
準...考慮不讀大學 先工作

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