Gemini horoscope for Feb 2 2015
You may be feeling a sense of foreboding. It might seem like a
feeling of gloom is lingering over you like a dark cloud. You may
think this is a sign of some trouble to come, but it's really only
your state of mind. It is up to you, Gemini, to pull yourself out
of the doldrums. There are many ways you could do this - through
meditation, affirmations, self-hypnosis, and so on - but you have
to do what works best for you personally. If you work on a better
mindset, your perspective will brighten significantly.
作者: energyisme26 (倩倩兒) 2015-02-02 02:02:00
相信自己。Follow your heart!!!做自己覺得對的事情,對自己問心無愧即不需要擔心我們一起加油!!!!