tsaosp (Guardian Angel)
2016-01-23 19:25:57Gemini horoscope for Jan 24 2016
Gemini horoscope for Jan 24 2016
There may be a person in your life who seems to be rewarded for being unkind o
r unfair. This person may have affected you in some way recently, Gemini, and
you may be wishing that karma would catch up with this individual. You may fee
l that you, on the other hand, have earned some good karma, and yet you can't
seem to catch a break in a certain area of your life, no matter how good you a
re or how hard you try. By resenting another person's success, you are blockin
g good energy from entering your life. By focusing only on yourself and your p
ositive efforts, you will create a better atmosphere for positive happenings.