[情報] 07/16 the daily horoscope

作者: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-07-15 21:43:01
Gemini horoscope for Jul 16 2016
Gemini horoscope for Jul 16 2016
Some situation or problem you thought of as bad luck may turn out to be a huge
blessing in disguise. You may be worried that a certain turn of events would
interfere with your progress and success. However, even though that may be the
effect at first, you will soon see reasons that this disruption is actually q
uite auspicious. Usually when you tell yourself not to "count your chickens be
fore they're hatched," you're thinking that you won't have as much as you're h
oping for. In this case, though, you'll wind up with more.
作者: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-07-15 21:45:00
北山暮歸示道人 https://imgur.com/RUXyGs7
作者: sinshun (進擊的臭酸宅)   2016-07-15 22:36:00
作者: candyhorie (甜餡餅)   2016-07-15 23:12:00
我不怕遇見錯誤的人事物..我怕自己看不到切入點!!http://candyhorie.pixnet.net/blog 今天的作業^^
作者: wealana (祆月.憂 S.Y.Ulei)   2016-07-15 23:14:00
怕自己找不到切入點+1 QQ
作者: waitriver (microcosm)   2016-07-16 04:44:00
今天的運勢 完全說中我的心啊~~
作者: candyhorie (甜餡餅)   2016-07-16 20:21:00

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