[情報] 08/15 the daily horoscope

作者: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-08-14 15:20:16
Gemini horoscope for Aug 15 2016
Gemini horoscope for Aug 15 2016
You may be composing a plan to play hooky from work, school, or from some obli
gation, Gemini. You really don't want to be serious today, and you may not thi
nk you can manage anything right now that requires you to be sharp and energiz
ed. This isn't because you're exhausted. It's more about feeling like you just
can't get motivated. But think of how wonderful you will feel when all of you
r chores and obligations are complete. Revel in that for a moment. Allow that
thought to inspire and motivate you.
作者: arrolili (離離)   2016-08-15 02:21:00
作者: jrb123123 (jrbbb)   2016-08-15 14:06:00
天啊 可是我今天面對了事情 沒解決反而讓自己更不開心但是做完了家事我真的努力做暑假作業
作者: mike0608 (Mike Wu)   2016-08-14 23:27:00
要忍住 加油!!!
作者: NeedGem (本當傻蛋的宿命)   2016-08-14 15:39:00
如果真的都能完成就太好了... 但是實在太多
作者: candyhorie (甜餡餅)   2016-08-14 16:45:00
我不在義務責任中逃跑.. ...但是我真的睡不飽啊Q____Q
作者: jieupa (我不要弟弟QQ)   2016-08-14 19:35:00

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