[情報] 08/25 the daily horoscope

作者: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-08-24 01:16:22
Gemini horoscope for Aug 25 2016
Gemini horoscope for Aug 25 2016
It may feel as if someone you know well is suddenly speaking a language you do
n't understand. There are major differences between the two of you that seem t
o have popped up out of nowhere, and it's like landing on another planet witho
ut a map. It may be that this person has made a dramatic change due to some pe
rsonal upheaval. Then again, it could also be that you don't know this person
as well as you think you do. Either way, you need to figure it out and you cer
tainly will - in time. In the meantime, don't stress. Take it easy, it isn't t
he end of the world.
作者: newesther (Hannah)   2016-08-24 01:46:00
謝謝...覺得這22.23號已發生 正在檢討不同世界的人本來就是不同世界的人 只是自己過去不在意直到最近大踩我地雷...有種想把所有話講出來羞辱的衝動你補習班怎麼那麼多怪人 加油不要再被影響
作者: annie1900 (ann)   2016-08-24 02:07:00
好準 該怎麼解決呢......
作者: candyhorie (甜餡餅)   2016-08-24 02:16:00
作者: hieigo (清)   2016-08-26 15:04:00

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