[情報] 11/07 the daily horoscope

作者: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-11-06 19:19:37
Gemini horoscope for Nov 7 2016
Gemini horoscope for Nov 7 2016
You would like a fresh start in some area of your life, Gemini. But you may no
t be able to completely free yourself of the memory of a difficult experience.
Even though it may have happened long ago, you can close your eyes and be bac
k there in an instant because the memory is so strong and vibrant. But you don
't have to erase a bad memory to move on or to be happy again. You have to app
ly the good you took from that time and use it in the here and now. That memor
y is valuable in its own way.
作者: albert6668   2016-11-06 19:57:00
作者: prinspetal (SHARON)   2016-11-06 20:00:00
好符合現況 因不好的回憶阻礙了前進
作者: YATURN (Dancing Q)   2016-11-06 20:38:00
作者: loinyss (chuny)   2016-11-06 21:39:00
作者: su3s83jo4 (喜歡少人唱歌)   2016-11-06 23:01:00
作者: waitriver (microcosm)   2016-11-06 23:44:00
作者: newesther (Hannah)   2016-11-06 23:44:00
過去總是在的 最近因為不同方面的過去卡住了...有點難決定...因為遺憾..是該往前走 但有點沈重最近有點難面對自己的情緒 想要成為更好的人
作者: KnightZX (佇足在風中的剛正不阿)   2016-11-07 01:24:00
作者: v60281 (狼甲辜)   2016-11-07 02:22:00
作者: pazudora (okayu)   2016-11-07 17:22:00

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