[情報] 12/20 the daily horoscope

作者: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-12-19 23:09:58
Gemini horoscope for Dec 20 2016
Gemini horoscope for Dec 20 2016
We all cherish the best moments of life - the lucky breaks, the special occasi
ons, the significant achievements. But every moment is truly special, Gemini.
All those seemingly unimportant moments are the same moments that lead to the
best moments. That's why you have to continually be aware of being in the pres
ent, and not wishing it away for times that seem better in your fantasies. You
are coming up to something truly big in your life, but you need to also appre
ciate the path you are taking to get there.
作者: deathache   2016-12-19 23:31:00
作者: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2016-12-20 00:02:00
作者: kohebedo (日食大羅盤)   2016-12-20 02:08:00
作者: asagi777 (阿散井)   2016-12-20 02:57:00
抱歉,但我必須說,這裡跟「美好的未來」沒有關係。未來,永遠,是一個幻象。它永遠不會來到。你只擁有當下,文章裡說得很清楚了,並不是要你期待即將來到的美好時刻,事實是,永遠別這樣做。現在! 現在就是美好時刻。每一刻當下都是獨一無二的,必須在場見證當下的美好,不管你的生活境遇現在如何,珍惜感謝此時此刻,別老是望向未來,你只擁有現在,這不是個哲學概念而是現實。覺察到當下,體驗當下,那是最能了解生活的時刻。別輕言定義生活當下的好或壞,僅僅只是觀察此刻,深入其中,過去、現在、未來,都僅僅只在當下。現在。
作者: neckkit (neckkit)   2016-12-20 13:05:00

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