riding (境隨心轉)
2017-07-08 23:48:09雙子啊,你可能認為,你正在對一個還在進展中的狀況隱藏你真正的感受
※ 引述《Nicolas01 (Nicolas)》之銘言:
: You may think that you are hiding how you feel about a situation that is evolv
: ing in your world right now, Gemini. You may think that you are fooling someon
: e so they don't know how you really feel. But you are wearing your emotions on
: your face, and they are showing through your body language. If you are afraid
: of being vulnerable, try to think ahead to what will happen if you continue t
: o deny what is important to you. Speak up, or you will have to live with a sit
: uation that cannot give you what you really want and need.
: 你認為你隱藏了你對自己(的情況)正在進化的感覺,雙子們。
: 你也許認為你欺騙了某個人,所以他們不知道你真正的感受。
: 但是,你的情緒表現在你的臉上,而它們(情緒)也從你的肢體語言表達出來。
: 如果你害怕受傷害,如果你持續否認什麼是對你來說是最重要的,
: 試著先去設想將來會發生什麼。
: 將它說出來,否則你就會一直活在無法滿足想要的、你需要的情況。
: Ps.如果有誤譯或者是不通順之處,歡迎大家指教,謝謝。