riding (境隨心轉)
2017-07-21 23:28:16※ 引述《Nicolas01 (Nicolas)》之銘言:
: 標題: [情報] 07/22 the daily horoscope
: 時間: Fri Jul 21 17:54:27 2017
哈密瓜對你來說是好東西 它是豐富的維他命A跟C以及鉀的來源
但是在某些面向 它引發你的創造力,使你更喜歡自己
: Cantaloupe is very good for you. It is a rich source of vitamins A and C, as w
: ell as potassium. Some people might eat this fruit just for its health benefit
: s. And if you happen to like cantaloupe, all the better. There is some indulge
: nce that will become available to you very soon, Gemini. Its positive benefits
: may not be all that obvious, but in some way, it will inspire your creativity
: and make you feel better about yourself. Whether it is a talent, an invitatio
: n, or an opportunity, don't limit how much time you spend lavishing in this in
: dulgence.
: 哈密瓜對你的健康非常有益。
: 它富含維他命A和C以及鉀。
: 有些人吃哈密瓜是因為它對健康有益。
: 如果你發生了類似像哈密瓜的事,那樣子更好。
: 有些嗜好在不久的將來即將成為是你的嗜好,雙子們。
: 也許它正面的益處不是那麼的明顯,但是在某些方面,它激發你的創造力,
: 並且讓你對自己的感覺更好。
: 無論那是ㄧ項天賦、邀請、或者是ㄧ個新的機會,
: 別限制你自己在嗜好上所揮霍了多少時間。
: Ps.如果有誤譯或者是翻譯得不通順之處,歡迎指教,謝謝。