riding (境隨心轉)
2017-07-25 13:31:25※ 引述《Nicolas01 (Nicolas)》之銘言:
: Stay calm and carry on. That simple advice may not be all that simple for some
: one as highly strung as you are, Gemini. Someone may be urging you to find you
: r center and be patient and cool, but they don't understand how hard it is for
: you to sit still. But even though it may be a challenge, you are certainly up
: to it.
Think about all you have to gain if you remain serene
and take the proper time to think through the steps of a current endeavor.
Your harmonious dem
: eanor will inspire others and will foster a sense of cooperation that will mak
: e your task so much easier.
: 保持冷靜並且繼續往前走。
: 那句建議也許不是對所有的人來說都是很容易的,
: 尤其像你這種處於高度緊張狀態的人,雙子們。
: 某個人催促著你趕快找到你自己的中心,並且保持耐心與冷靜,
: 但是他們不了解這對你連坐定不動都做不到的人有多麼困難。
: 但是,即使它是個挑戰,你是絕對能夠勝任的。
: 如果你保持冷靜,花點時間去想想如何付出目前的努力才可以踏出下一步,
: 想想你之後可以獲得的所有。
: 你友好的態度將會激勵其他的人,並且會促進合作感,
: 那將會使你的任務變得更輕鬆容易點。
: Ps. 如果有誤譯或者是翻譯得不通順之處,歡迎指教,謝謝。
: 我只想說今日(7/24)的運勢文真準!