Gemini horoscope for Saturday Nov 18
Gemini horoscope for Saturday Nov 18
Right now, Gemini, you may feel as though your life is body-surfing down the r
apids, where you have no choice but to go where the rushing water takes you. I
t seems like many choices have been taken out of your hands, and you have been
left to flounder. There may even be some peace in that thought, because you t
hink you can just relax and let life happen to you - even if you don't get wha
t you want. But actually, Gemini, you are traveling on a boat with a rudder an
d oars. It may feel like a turbulent ride, and you may not have complete contr
ol, but you can navigate your own destination, for the most part. Grab those o
ars, and empower yourself.