We all know that beauty is only skin-deep, yet most of us are susceptible to a
n outward appearance. Although you can often tell a lot about a person by the
clothes or shoes they wear, the people they keep company, or sometimes even th
e random things they may say, that is not always the case. There are often dee
per reasons for many of these superficial choices some people make - such as i
nsecurity, lack of resources, and so on. You may be judging someone you have m
et - or know only casually - based on outward appearances, Gemini, but it is i
mportant that you reserve judgment and get to know this person better.
那裡有更深層的理由那些去選擇表面評論的原因 -
你也許正在評論一個你遇到的人 - 或者是偶然間認識 - 基於外表 - 雙子們,