[情報] 06/17 the daily horoscope

作者: Nicolas01 (Nicolas)   2020-06-17 08:20:41
When a famous magician performs a big show in a big venue, the background and
the sets are lush and dramatic. Even though the magician himself is the one wh
o created the act and performs his tricks with finesse, the background and the
sets are also the silent participants in the show. Remember this today as you
aim to set something up for success. Whatever your goal, Gemini, accompanying
it with lush and dramatic enhancements - appropriate of course - will win you
the greatest success.
無論你的目標是什麼,雙子們,伴隨著豪華和戲劇性的加強 -
適當的 - 將會為你贏得偉大的勝利。

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