You may be trying to get someone to join your team or help you in an effort yo
u feel passionate about. And to do this, dear Gemini, you may be exaggerating
about how fabulous it is going to be, even though you don't really know for su
re. That's something that salesmen do all the time, but when you are dealing w
ith a person - especially when it's a friend or a family member - honesty is r
eally the best policy. What you can do, though, is share your passion and illu
strate how great it can be. That's pretty powerful, too.
那是銷售員在做的事情,但是當你在跟一個人打交道時 —
特別是他是你的朋友或者是家庭成員時 — 誠實是最佳的策略。
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。