約一小時前有 Google 的員工回覆了。
Hi Everyone,
This issue should now be fully resolved.
You may need to return to your Settings and
tick the Label Incoming Messages checkbox one more time.
It should now remain checked.
Thank you so much for reporting this and for your continued patience
while we worked to investigate the issue.
I understand how this might have seemed like a simple or quick fix,
but it was actually a very complex issue in which
we had to do multiple tests to fully resolve.
It was definitely a top priority as soon as we started receiving reports.
Again, we really appreciate your patience on this!
※ 引述《yukitowu (雪兔哥)》之銘言:
: 看起來似乎真的不太尋常。
: 今天 POP3 的自動標籤設定又再度消失了,
: 我去 Gmail Help Forum 找了一下,
: 找到這篇,
: https://productforums.google.com/d/topic/gmail/LHMBWZnQEKA/discussion
: 有人回報了,
: 看來應該是 BUG 沒有錯,
: 雖然有人提出用 Filter 下條件來暫代,
: 但很明顯的這並不能完全替代這個功能,
: 在 Gmail 團隊修好前只能隨時注意設定是否又消失了吧。