1. 情報or新聞 連結:
2. 內文:
Google’s project hosting service, Google Code, is shutting down. If you
haven’t already moved your projects to GitHub, now might be the time to
start the migration.
Launched in 2006, Google Code has been operating in the shadow of GitHub
for years and today the search giant announced that new project creation
has been disabled. In August of this year, the site will become read-only.
So you’ll no longer be able to update projects, but you will be able to
read and view source code, issues and wikis.
Finally, on January 25, 2016 the service will be shut down. After that,
you’ll be able to download tarballs of projects. Those downloads will be
available through the end of 2016.
To help get current projects off the site, Google has an Export to Github
tool to make the migration easy.
所以,Google+什麼時候Shut down?
關掉Goolge+ 還我Google Reader!!