Forumosa Taiwan 也討論的正火熱啊~~~~
不然你最好用你 100% 的力量下去
Re: Murder on the MRT
Unread postby Dr Jellyfish 6 minutes ago
It's so strange. In that footage you've got 5 or 6 guys behind him and a
crowd in front. Like Icon said, surely the fight-or-flight instinct should be
kicking in - in a more direct sense. The first response would be to get the
hell out of there. The second, if you were cornered or if there others around
to help stop him - would be to fight and stop him - using whatever you have
at hand. But does anyone do this - no! They just follow him around like sheep
and gawk! I've seen this kind of behavior before in Taiwan. When some gang
members were beating someone up on Zhongxiao East road in 2005. There were
crowds of people just walking past and gawking - no one even tried to help.
I would hate to be in any situation like that. I have been attacked by a
nutter on a bus (back in the UK) who came at me with a jagged can of beer
that they had torn open. If I'd done the Taiwanese thing of gawking, then I
would probably have some nasty scars (at the very least). Like I said - you
either get the hell away (if you can). If not, then you better get ready to
fight for your life, and the person next to you should be thinking the same
thing, and the person next to them etc. Acting like a started rabbit/deer
isn't a very good (or obvious) survival choice.
※ 引述《ppi123 (小P)》之銘言:
: 1節車廂最少50人 而且大家都會帶包包 可以當盾牌
: 下雨天的雨傘當武器 這樣不至於會讓兇手還能自由走出車廂
: 5個人拿雨傘圍住兇手 兇手自然會乖乖就擒
: 死傷也不會擴大才對 兇嫌體型也很普通
: 為什麼1節車廂的人對1個人沒辦法?
※ 引述《ppi123 (小P)》之銘言:
: 1節車廂最少50人 而且大家都會帶包包 可以當盾牌
: 下雨天的雨傘當武器 這樣不至於會讓兇手還能自由走出車廂
: 5個人拿雨傘圍住兇手 兇手自然會乖乖就擒
: 死傷也不會擴大才對 兇嫌體型也很普通
: 為什麼1節車廂的人對1個人沒辦法?