Re: [問卦] 有沒有A-380頭等艙的八卦?

作者: billandcs (CS神棍)   2014-06-02 23:37:06
我只有阿聯猶航空機師薪水的八卦. 第一次看過有公司把薪水福利貼在自己官網的...
擺明了寫: 老子錢很多,要一流人才. 原文沒寫的是我去詢問的.
Cash Elements 現金部份
Competitive Tax Free Basic Salary 薪資全部免稅
Salaries for all Emirates employees are benchmarked against relevant
industries, and are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they remain
‧ Captain: Monthly Salary Dhs 41,240 (Basic Salary plus Hourly Flying Pay
based on 85 block hours per month).
機長 : 台幣 337620.33 /月 本薪加上以85小時的小時計費加總
‧ First Officer: Monthly Salary Dhs 29,145 (Basic Salary plus Hourly Flying
Pay based on 85 block hours per month).
副機長:238324.20 /月 本薪加上以85小時的小時計費加總
Hourly Flying Pay 小時計費
Pilots are paid an Hourly Flying Pay on block hours, up to a threshold of 83
to 92 hours
舉例來說每飛一小時給60 dhs,再看月總飛行時數乘上後計算
Productivity Pay 加班費
An additional Productivity Pay is paid for every block hour above the
threshold of 92 hours
每超過92小時每小時給 4298 台幣
Employee Profit Share Scheme 員工分紅
Emirates operates an employee profit share scheme based on the company’s
performance and results. A minimum tenure serves as the qualifying period for
all new employees.
Accommodation 住宿
Emirates pilots are provided with company accommodation (including an
additional utilities support allowance) or accommodation allowance.
The eligibility of the following benefits are subject to each applicant’s
unique personal circumstances.
公司提供宿舍,水電瓦斯費用通包,或是給你錢,你去外面租. 申請狀況視個人情況不同而
Exchange Rate Protection Scheme匯率保障計劃
Fifty percent of your basic salary will be protected against adverse exchange
rate fluctuations between the UAE Dirham and the currency of your country.
This is not applicable to currency classifications that are pegged against
the US Dollar, or the US Dollar itself as it is already pegged with the UAE
Education Support Allowance 教育零用金
First Officers and Captains are provided annual financial support towards the
payment of core tuition for up to 3 children aged 4-19.
每年提供三名4~19歲子女全額教育金補助(學費項目) 每名不超過40萬台幣
Provident Fund / End of Service Gratuity 公積金/約滿酬金
Upon leaving the company, employees are entitled to an end of service
gratuity (for an employment period of less than 5 years) or Provident Fund
End of service gratuity is calculated at 21 days basic salary per annum for
the first 5 years of service and 30 days basic salary per annum for each year
of service thereafter.
The Provident Fund Scheme is a long-term savings plan in which the employee
contributes 5 percent of basic salary and the company contributes 12 percent
(paid out after 5 years of service).
Non Cash Elements 非現金部份
Annual Leave 特休
All pilots are entitled to annual leave aggregating 42 calendar days
Annual Leave Tickets年度旅行機票
Free annual leave tickets are provided for employees and their eligible
dependents to travel to and from an approved leave destination, subject to
current company policies
Life and Accident Insurance 意外險
Up to 48 months of basic salary.
Medical and Dental Insurance 醫療牙醫險
Employees and their families can avail of The Emirates Group’s in-house
medical and dental facilities at the dedicated Emirates Clinic, or by
referral to specialist medical professionals as/when required.
Loss of License Insurance 失照險
The Loss of License Insurance provided by the Emirates Group is based on an
employee’s age, and payout can equal up to 3 times the annual basic salary.
Company Transport 公司通勤
Our pilots enjoy personal chauffeur service to and from their residence and
work locations, within the city limits of Dubai.
Company Uniform (and Dry Cleaning) 公司制服,乾洗
Pilots will be provided with uniforms and dry cleaning services.
保證年薪12個月,福利比照勞基法規定, the end.
作者: steward135 (逆風高飛)   2014-06-02 23:38:00
作者: apa9394 (委員長老虎)   2014-06-02 23:38:00
我英文不好 我有機會嗎
作者: TllDA (踢打)   2014-06-02 23:39:00
八卦在哪? 不是把別人官網貼出來就有八卦
作者: yoyodiy (廢文心得文大師)   2014-06-02 23:39:00
這篇英文還蠻Sample的 全民英檢初級程度 國小學生都懂
作者: aclock (小峰)   2014-06-02 23:39:00
作者: yoyodiy (廢文心得文大師)   2014-06-02 23:40:00
作者: stacyshu (舒)   2014-06-02 23:40:00
作者: douglasjs (帥到吐)   2014-06-02 23:42:00
作者: baggio1029 (亭主関白)   2014-06-02 23:42:00
作者: tmlc (置身於Asgard)   2014-06-02 23:44:00
作者: ndr (夢想的彈簧床)   2014-06-02 23:45:00
作者: feeling1230 (呆呆)   2014-06-02 23:46:00
是SINGLE好嗎 連這都會拼錯...
作者: talesworld (標準的摩羯座...)   2014-06-02 23:47:00
簽名檔 入手XD
作者: ndr (夢想的彈簧床)   2014-06-02 23:50:00

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