9.2的問題在迴避Chinese或China一詞在指涉哪裡人時 多半指PRC的中國或中國人
美聯社專訪如下:She said she's admired the work of Taiwanese director Ang Lee.
"I'm not sure if you consider Ang Lee Chinese, he's Taiwanese but he does
many Chinese-language films with many Chinese artists and actors, and I think
his work and the actors in his films are the ones I'm most familiar with and
are very fond of."
裘莉明顯知道台灣跟中國是不同的國家, 所以人家問他最喜歡的Chinese director,
他第一個想到的是李安,但澄清這邊所指的Chinese director是指華文或華人導演的意思,
"我不知道你認不認為李安是中國人," 隨後又補述
(亦即, 他雖然不是Chinese一般指的PRC中國人, 但他有很多華文作品,所以我答案是李安)
不過重點來了, 9.2%的邏輯是這樣(請參照正黑):
人家問最喜歡的中國導演是誰, 裘莉第一個回答的是李安,
代表他認為李安是"Chinese" <