Somalia piracy: Development 'would curb illegal industry'
Pirates have earned millions of dollars through hijackings
Piracy off Somalia's coast would fall sharply if the country's economy was
more developed, a study says.
Local elites and communities in remote areas protect pirates because they
lack an income, it adds.
Foreign navies have a strong presence around Somalia in order to keep
shipping lanes safe.
This has led to a decline in attacks off the Somali coast, with the UN
estimating that about 40 people are still being held by pirates.
At the peak of their activity three years ago, the pirates held more than 700
crew members and more than 30 ships.
'Import centre'
The World Bank estimates that pirates netted more than $400m (£230m) in
ransom money between 2005 and 2012.
Ships are safer since foreign navies increased patrols off Somalia's coast
Somalia has been a largely lawless state since the fall of long-serving ruler
Siad Barre in 1991.
Warlords, religious groups and clans have been fighting for control of
The study, by the University of Oxford and King's College London, says
Somalia witnessed a surge in pirate attacks when territory was contested or
elections took place.
This suggested the behaviour of clan leaders in Somalia was similar to that
of politicians in Italy and Taiwan, who extended protection to criminals when
they needed extra funds to further political ambitions, the study adds.
"Local communities support pirates when there isn't a better alternative
income stream," said Federico Varese, a co-author of the report based at the
University Oxford.
"By improving the infrastructure of Somalia, building new harbours and roads
to link the remote areas to trade routes, our research concludes that poorer
communities would be less likely to resort to piracy," he added.
People in Somalia's north-eastern city of Bosasso cut ties with pirates once
the economy grew, the study says.
"As the city regained its importance as a major trading port for livestock
and an import centre for the wider region, pirates were no longer tolerated -
pirate hostages were freed and pirates were imprisoned by the local clan
leaders," the study adds.
P.S. 中文翻譯自由時報已經翻得很好了...
※ 引述《ADHD (注意力不足過動症)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 自由時報
: 2.完整新聞標題/內文:
: 牛津研究︰索馬利亞縱容犯罪跟台灣政客一樣
: 〔本報訊〕台灣真是躺著也中槍!英國BBC今天引述牛津大學與倫敦大學國王學院的研究
: 指出,索馬利亞的海盜猖獗,其中一項原因是索國政客需要大量資金,而索馬利亞海盜的
: 金援對他們非常重要,造成每逢選舉時,政府就對這些犯罪視而不見,研究人員親眼看見
: 選舉期間的犯罪激增,他們認為這種現象跟義大利與台灣非常類似。
: 高雄籍漁船「旭富一號」2010年遭索馬利亞海盜挾持,26名船員歷經18個月才得以回家,
: 據聞贖金為美金200萬元天價。世界銀行估計,索馬利亞海盜從2005年至2013年的勒索淨
: 所得高達美金4億元,這些犯罪行為被包庇的其中一個主因,就是各氏族領導人的政治野
: 心龐大,需要源源不絕的資金來鞏固自己的權力地位,擴張自身影響版圖,研究指出,這
: 一點跟義大利與台灣的政客很像。
: 研究結論說到,若索馬利亞的經濟持續發展,那麼這些不法行為就會越來越少。聯合國估
: 計,現在約有40人遭到索馬利亞海盜拘禁,但是在前3年的高峰期,約有700名船員與超過
: 30艘船被扣留,海盜行為減少的其中一個主因,來自於許多外國海軍已經派軍艦進入這個
: 危險航道,讓海盜們不敢輕舉妄動。
: 該研究最後建議,如果該國城市要改善基礎建設,興建新港口,與連結偏遠地區的貿易路
: 線,必須遠離海盜的掌控,並以該國內的城市博薩索(Bosasso)舉例,提及它的經濟一
: 旦出現成長的趨勢,就與海盜斷絕聯繫。
: 3.新聞連結:
: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/1051543
: 4.備註:
: 又一項國際認證