遠在千里之外的戰火 雖然大家可以在家爽爽說這是比拳頭 但我們應該可以有更積極的作為啊! 世界和平不就是全體人類追求的目標嗎????? 時代都在進步了,別再打打殺殺了! 教宗方濟各曾公開表態支持「巴勒斯坦國」, 教宗主張確立「以正義、承認個人與相互安 全為基礎的和平」 轉一篇以巴懶人包 讓大家可以了解一下以巴衝突。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKiMf5PrBiU ※ 引述《arrenwu (鍵盤流戰鬼)》之銘言: : 1.媒體來源: : 紐約時報 ( The New York Times) : 2.完整新聞標題/內文: : 原文標題:Israeli Leader Says He Feels No Pressure to Quit Bombing Gaza : 節錄內文: : Brushing aside criticism of Israel’s four-day-old aerial attacks on Gaza, : Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday he felt no international : pressure to quit the operation and would not rule out a ground invasion to : stop the barrages of rockets from Palestinian militants. : 星期五,對於外界對四天前以色列空襲加薩的批評,以色列首相 班傑明‧內塔雅胡 表示 : 他感到毫無壓力,不會放棄進行目標為停止巴勒斯坦軍火箭彈幕的地面侵略。 : “We are weighing all possibilities and preparing for all possibilities,” : Mr. Netanyahu told reporters at a news conference in Tel Aviv. Mr. : Netanyahu, who has spoken with the leaders of the United States, Russia and : the United Nations among others since Israel began the aerial assaults, said : the Israelis had hit more than 1,000 targets in Gaza and still had more to go. : 從以色列空襲開始,內塔雅胡告訴記者們「我們觀察各種可能並且有所準備」,並宣稱以 : 色列已經在加薩攻擊超過1000個目標,而且還會更多。 : “No international pressure will prevent us from striking the terrorists who : are attacking us,” Mr. Netanyahu was quoted by news agencies as saying. : 內塔雅胡表示「沒有國際壓力可以妨礙我們重擊那些攻擊我們的恐怖份子」 : In an emergency appeal for funds, the World Health Organization said the : hostilities had exacerbated an already stressed Palestinian health system, : particularly in isolated Gaza. : 世界衛生組織表示戰事使得巴勒斯坦本來就很有壓力的衛生系統更為惡劣,尤其是被孤立 : 的加薩,需要更多緊急的募款。 : 3.新聞連結: : 紐約時報: http://tinyurl.com/l5hddyc : 4.備註: : 以色列的意思就是外面的人可以盡量叫叫叫叫叫叫叫叫,他就是要痛扁加薩。 : 去殺三位以色列少年的現在應該悔不當初, : 實力比人弱還去跟人家硬碰硬,現在吃屎囉~