[問卦] 有沒有金融巨鱷--索羅斯 的八卦?

作者: a126sam01 (北川景子是我的老婆>///<)   2014-09-01 15:42:19
George Soros Et Al Suing Bank Of NY Mellon Over Argentinian Debt
Bank of New York Mellon is in the middle of the ongoing Argentine debt crisis,
along with bondholders after the Argentine government denied the bank’s right
to operate in the country. BNY has been an intermediary between the Argentine
government and its bondholders, and held onto a $539 million payment due to
bondholders with the authority of a U.S. court.
The U.S. court ruled that Argentina could not pay creditors who accepted
discounts unless it also paid those who rejected bond swaps. Last month,
the government of Argentina defaulted for the second time in a decade,
but said that the holders of exchange debt go to Bank of New York Mellon
for payment.
A lawsuit has been filed in London’s high court by Knighthead Master Fund,
RGY Investments, George Soros’ Quantum Partners and Hayman Capital Master
Fund to put pressure on U.S. District Judge Thomas Greisa who has presided
over the Argentine crisis with an exemption of bonds that fall under
jurisdictions outside of the United States.
The plaintiffs, who argue their debt amounting to $1.3 billion euros say
that the funds are euro-denominated and should not be ruled upon by a court
in the U.S. Judge Greisa says the interest payments go through Bank of New York
Mellon, and can be ruled on in the U.S. BNY Mellon said the suit filed against
it was “without merit.” In the meantime, Argentina’s Congress has voted to
revoke BNY Mellon’s authorization.

債務利息付款提出起訴。法庭檔案也指出,原告一方還包括了凱勒-巴斯(Kyle Bass)的
作者: iverlung (布魯石)   2014-09-01 15:44:00
作者: MacOSX10   2014-09-01 15:45:00
作者: bernicellu (bernice)   2014-09-01 15:46:00
作者: ll35566 ( 東健哥)   2014-09-01 15:46:00
作者: bernicellu (bernice)   2014-09-01 15:47:00
非洲:病毒 歐洲:看國家 俄國:普丁公開宣戰,有核武別踩
作者: ooopstev (高雄金城武)   2014-09-01 15:48:00
去買他的書來看 只要你能指出他的盲點 他會高薪聘請喔
作者: bernicellu (bernice)   2014-09-01 15:48:00
過來 中果:戰亂那麼久,好不容易有點好日子過,裝中立拉美:經濟慘慘慘,明明土地肥沃,卻負債累累..原因是?那時歐債有查過,有一些銀行家有鬼.但現在資料找不到歐洲有個國家更絕,把錢借給十幾個銀行家,就國家負債囉那十幾個銀行家是誰..全國上下沒人知道耶..超離奇的喔這種洗錢法..可能用大國旁的小國當洗板..把錢洗出去囉這是一個充滿陰謀論的世界.。脫離經濟正常運作滿久囉反正英文好的鄉民,盯著國外爆掛網站看..梗還滿多的經不起查吧..手腳滿明顯得手腳滿明顯的
作者: wahaha5678 (Jç½µ)   2014-09-01 16:07:00

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