※ 引述《behappy0924 (鐵飯糰)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:青年日報
: 2.完整新聞標題/內文:
: 馬總統:我追求和平信念獲國際肯定 此新聞見報日:2014/9/20
: 記者張晏彰、謝璿/臺北報導
: 馬總統昨日獲頒國際國民外交協會(PTPI)艾森豪和平獎,成為我國政治人物
: 獲此殊榮首例。
但PTPI基金會和一個營利組織 Ambassadors Group International
Organizations like that send mass invitations to students. They make it seem
like a honor to be selected. But it is really just a mass mailing!
We have students who come into school all the time very excited and then I
have to burst their bubble.
They charge a bundle to attend their invitation only program!
This program has a cute marketing scheme. They approach teachers to
"nominate" children for the program to create the illusion of selectivity.
It is really just a clever way of generating a mailing list. They invoke
Eisenhower's name as founder though he actually founded the non-profit
organization. This is a for-profit organization.
The administrative arm of the organization is inept. As a "nominated" child,
our son was automatically "accepted." He was interested in going with a
friend who was also "nominated." The friend enrolled by mail, and the
people-to-people office lost the enrollment form. We applied on-line, but
the web page was unable to accept his pin number. After 30 minutes on the
phone talking with a nice but ineffective representative, we decided that an
organization that could not manage the simple process of enrolling students
could not be trusted to ensure the safety of our child.
Went to orientation, signed up. Four weeks later no word from
Representative. I call to cancel because the orientation said there would be
an interview and someone would contact us. When I called to cancel they
charged me 95 dollars out of the $400 I gave them. They went on to scold me
that I did not call them. I am NOT going to trust an organization to have my
child travel with them if they cannot follow through on the application
process and then charge me for me holding them accountable. RUN...don't walk
from People to People. They may have had a good reputation in the past but
not anymore.