人民自由權之守護!!! (相關基本觀念之傳達)
(Rough Transcript)
Dear People,
I want to speak to you for a moment in part because I know (that) some of you
... just aren't going to listen.
Sounds ironic; but the bottom line is - on this website, I've encountered
censorship, of a sort that's the perfect example of everything that I hate!
Bottom line is, those who would stop others from speaking, prove that they
themselves have no freedom to speak! And those who would callously disregard
the freedom of others - those who would fail to give them, to give them, that
freedom, when it is in their power to do so, deserve no freedom themselves!
... The perfect slave, is the one who would enslave another. (後文請有興趣的讀
者自行慢慢聽取...英文表意不是很難 只要有台灣高中程度以上的 找常春藤美語補習之後
應該都聽得懂 包括言論反諷諷刺少布希的部分)