: 大家午安,小弟決定試著去檢舉看看
: 信件標題:Reporting posible intellectual property infringement
: 以下是檢舉內容
: Hi there:
: I'd like to know if there is any chances that the following video has
: infringed the copyright of Marvel Publishing, Inc.
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD9XREbdNTI&feature=youtu.be
: This is an ad of one of the candidate in Taipei City. Taiwan R.O.C.
: Here's their official telephone number : 011-886-2-2356-9603, or 02-2356-9603
: if you're making this phone call from Taiwan
: And the official webside of that candidate : http://taipeihope.tw/
: I'd like to know what's the policy that Marvel Publishing, Inc. will take
: while there's such an obvious
: intellectual property infringement reported.
: Hope to get your response asap.
: By a Marvel fan who doesn't want to see this abuse of Marvel Characters
: 小弟很久沒接觸英文了,如果內容有可以改正的地方也請各方高手不吝指教
: 這是在 Marvel 官網看到的聯絡信箱:marvelsubs@midtowncomics.com
: jeff_klein@dkcnews.com
柯博文 美國隊長 鋼鐵人,我實在是無法接受,完全影射的太像了。
標題:Reporting possible intellectual property infringement
Hi there:
I'd like to know if there are any chances that the following video
has infringed the copyright of Marvel Publishing, Inc.
This is an ad of one of a mayor candidate in Taipei City, Taiwan R.O.C.
Here's their official telephone number :
+886-2-2356-9603, or +882-2-2356-9603, if you're making
this phone call to Taiwan.
And the official website of that candidate is: http://taipeihope.tw/
I'd like to know what's the policy that Marvel Publishing, Inc.
would take while there's such an obvious intellectual property infringement reported.
Hope to get your response asap. Thank you!
By a Marvel fan who doesn't want to see this abuse of Marvel Characters.