※ 引述《nogood (nogood)》之銘言:
: 三立前進新台灣
: 周守訓放大絕:柯P身為公立醫院醫生
: 為何可以收連家紅酒?
: 難道這不應該調查嗎?巴啦巴啦....
: 抓到了,柯P收禮!
: ※註:有電視或媒體有報導者,請勿使用爆卦! 違者視為新聞篇數 超貼新聞劣退
AMA code of medical ethics
Gift from Patients
Gifts that patients offer to physicians are often an expression of
appreciation and gratitude or a reflection of cultural tradition, and can
enhance the patient-physician relationship.
Some gifts signal psychological needs that require the physician’s
attention. Some patients may attempt to influence care or to secure
preferential treatment through the offering of gifts or cash. Acceptance of
such gifts is likely to damage the integrity of the patient-physician
relationship. Physicians should make clear that gifts given to secure
preferential treatment compromise their obligation to provide services in a
fair manner.
There are no definitive rules to determine when a physician should or should
not accept a gift. No fixed value determines the appropriateness or
inappropriateness of a gift from a patient; however, the gift’s value
relative to the patient’s or the physician’s means should not be
disproportionately or inappropriately large. One criterion is whether the
physician would be comfortable if acceptance of the gift were known to
colleagues or the public.
Physicians should be cautious if patients discuss gifts in the context of a
will. Such discussions must not influence the patient’s medical care.
If, after a patient’s death, a physician should learn that he or she has
been bequeathed a gift, the physician should consider declining the gift if
the physician believes that its acceptance would present a significant
hardship (financial or emotional) to the family.
The interaction of these various factors is complex and requires the
physician to consider them sensitively. (I, II)