1.媒體來源: fb專頁: Alert5
2.完整新聞標題: A PLAAF JH-7 fighter bomber crashed
A PLAAF JH-7 fighter bomber crashed around 3pm today in Weinan, Shaanxi
province. Online reports in China suggest the aircraft was a prototype JH-7B
under testing at the nearby Weinan flight test centre. Both pilots did not
survive the crash. The tail section landed 500 meters away from the wreckage,
suggesting a possible mid-air breakup.
一架解放軍 JH-7戰轟機今日下午三點於陝西渭南失事,報導說可能是JH-7B的原型機
二名飛行員殉職,現場尾翼離殘骸約有500公尺遠, 有人猜測是空中解體..
5.備註: 第一張照片 左側應該是飛行員大體..