※ 引述《bluedolphin ( GENAU)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《victoryss (☞ ☑中间选民 ☑爱歹玩)》之銘言:
: : 蘋果
: : 復航墜機 美專家:機長盡最大力量救人
: : 復興航空GE235昨日失事墜落基隆河,美國《CNN》訪問美國前聯邦航空總署監察員蘇西(
: : David Soucie)指出,從各種畫面和路徑資訊來看,機長當時應是盡最大努力,想讓傷亡
: : 減到最低。
: : 蘇西稱從畫面逐格來看,兩個螺旋槳未同步運作,左側螺旋槳失去動力,右側螺旋槳也不
: : 見動力,而且自動飛行狀態並未啟動,機師可能轉為手動,避免機身擊中建築物,試圖降
: : 落河中,減少傷亡。
: : 此外,美國前運輸部督察長施亞佛(Mary Schiavo)也對《CNN》指出,從機師在墜機前
: : 發出的通聯記錄來看,應該是機械故障,讓機長發出緊急訊號。但她也相信,當時機長的
: : 操作和飛行路徑,正是盡力要讓傷亡減到最低。(施旖婕/綜合外電報導)
: : http://ppt.cc/ORB9
: : R.I.P. 謝謝你機長!
: 想請問誰看過這段CNN的訪問?
: 我剛剛看到幾個片段 好像跟蘋果報的片段不一樣
: Edited: 附上CNN官方訪問片段
: http://goo.gl/27f8TG
: Edited: 因為不知道是不是報導錯誤還是不同的CNN片段 修正內文
我因為每天都有 AC360 的習慣
昨天我才聽到 David Soucie 講他對於這次墜機事件的看法
事實上他跟 Richard Quest 都沒有「非常肯定」講說機長做的一定就是對的 換言之
也就是說從未說過機師本身的操縱方式是對的 事實上如果你們看我接下來貼的逐字稿
COOPER: All right. Let's take a look here on the magic wall. Just walk us
through the video of what exactly we're seeing.
angles at the moment starting with the close-up. And here, you basically see
the aircraft coming over head and the dramatic turn if you liked and crashing
into the bridge. But if you look at it from a slightly different angle, if
you take this particular picture and you see something quite different. Well,
you see something in a different angle because here you see the plane, if it
comes straight in and you see the plane and at that point is, it's pretty
straight and on a downward trajectory, but it still is moving with the wings
both level. It's at this point that the left wing appears to stall and stall
very badly and dramatically when there's very little height to the ground and
that, of course, is there.
Now, someone suggests, was the pilot trying to avoid these buildings? I think
if you look quite clearly,this is not the case. It's an aircraft, it's an
extremist. It is going straight down, the wing has stalled and it goes
straight into the water.
DAVID SOUCIE, CNN SAFETY ANALYST: You know, I think Richard, I've flown out
at Taipei, I'm sure you have as well. And you know that there's only
apartments there and they kind a follow the river out to protect from noise
pollution over the apartments. So you follow the river just a little bit and
you can see there too that, as it clears, those apartments and may be a
little bit of an optical illusion as it comes over the apartments.
But I believe that he was trying to make that left turn.
But I think importantly too if you look about at that point in the video,
that you can see that that left prop, I don't think it's feathered. It looks
as though it might be feathered. But I don't think it is. But it looks to me
it isn't.
COOPER: When you say feathered, what does that mean?
SOUCIE: That means that the propellers is supposed to automatically when that
engine stops producing thrust, the propellers is supposed to automatically go
from an angle like this to straight on right with the air flow that allows no
resistance, no wind resistance.However, if the auto-feathers switch, which
is the last you do before you take off, if that hasn't been turned to the on
position, then the engine fails and you basically have a 12 foot in diameter
piece of wood out there,it's just preventing the left wing from flying.
And I think that that might give us a clue there.I'm anxious to see what the
black boxes will tell us because that information is in the black box.
(這邊可以知道順槳的英文叫做 feather,然後他點出了沒有順槳可能會導致無法
COOPER: But Richard, I mean, if a plane loses one engine, it should still be
able to fly, should it? QUEST: Right, absolutely. And this is the conundrum