Re: [問卦] 有沒有超材料的八卦?

作者: Schwinger (千金之子不死於盜賊)   2015-03-27 13:25:48
John Pendry and the Wire Medium
\A material with a negative ? is often called a plasmonic material, since the
coupled light-electron excitations that dance along a metal surface are
called surface plasmons. In 1997, even before the field of plasmonics
exploded, there were probably thousands of papers on plasmonic materials.
Surface plasmons were believed to be the key mechanism in lots of exciting
but (at the time) poorly understood and controversial optical phenomena, such
as surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Theories about the role of
plasmons could be found everywhere, but it was incredibly difficult to
decisively and quantitatively connect the theory to measured data. A plasmon
is an optical, nanoscale thing - you can't hold a plasmon in your hand and
look at it. You have to infer a lot of information, based on lots of
different microscopy and light scattering techniques.
John Pendry和電線介質
光學,奈米尺度的東西 - 你不能在你的手上就握著電漿子並且看著它。你必須根據許多
The optical work I was doing as a postdoc was vastly different from the
microwave scattering work I'd done as a graduate student. By comparison,
microwaves were easy! You could model just about any kind of structure, and
whatever you modeled you could measure almost exactly. Very little guesswork
involved. You could also make samples and do measurements really, really
fast. Part of the reason is that the microwaves we were using were
electromagnetic waves, with wavelengths of many inches, unlike light waves
which are just a few hundred nanometers in size. If you want to make
something that reflects or scatters microwaves, it's big! - usually about the
size of your hand or larger. You can really get an intuitive feel for how
microwaves interact with structured materials, and can try lots of
experiments quickly. By the time I had finished my graduate work, I could
design a photonic crystal, simulate its properties, fabricate the structure
and make the measurements all in one day. That was awesome. We definitely
could not do that with optical plasmons.
你想做個東西來反射或散射微波,它非常大! - 通常大約是你的手大小或更大的尺寸。
I began to obsess about whether there could be a way to create a microwave
analog to the metal nanoparticle.
The big problem with creating a microwave "plasmonic" material was that there
were no known materials that had a negative ε at microwave frequencies.
Negative ε was considered an optical phenomenon that occurred only in
conductors at near-visible and ultraviolet wavelengths. At microwave
frequencies metals are well, just metals: They exclude electromagnetic
fields. If the fields can't even get into the metal, they can't interact with
the metal in any interesting way. Metals at microwave frequencies don’t
support surface plasmons, and definitely cannot be considered "plasmonic."
But, maybe there was a possibility. While browsing through the thousands of
papers on plasmons, I ran across a paper by John Pendry and colleagues,
published in Physical Review Letters in 1996, in which they suggested an
artificial material one composed of wires - could behave exactly like a
plasmonic material, but at any frequency. Including microwave frequencies. It
was exactly what I was looking for!
篇1996年John Pendry和他的同事發表在物理評論通訊(PRL)的論文,他們建議一種電線組
成的人工材料- 它可以在任何頻率表現地完全像電漿材料的。包括微波頻率。這正是我一
Pendry's structure required really, really thin wires. Much thinner than any
typical commercially available wire. If you could get those wires, you'd have
to be really careful in how you arranged them and held them together - it
would almost be like weaving a material out of thread. It wasn't anything we
could build, at least not without a lot of effort. Could there be another
As simple a structure as Pendry's wire structure was, the theory was fairly
complicated. I took Pendry’s paper around to several of our theoretical
colleagues at UCSD, and none of them could understand it, at least without
having much more time to spend on it. Moreover, Pendry's theory was becoming
wildly controversial, with lots of other scientists and theorists objecting
to both Pendry’s approach and the results. Plasmons at microwave
frequencies? Not a chance, according to Pendry's critics.
So, without a way to make the thin wire structure; with no one around who
understood the paper; and with the paper mired in controversy, I really
justify delving much further into the subject.
細金屬線。如果能得到這些金屬線,你必須非常小心安排他們和他們在一起 - 它幾乎像
所以,沒有一種方法使細線結構成真; 並且周圍的沒人看得懂論文; 並且論文陷入
I had always wanted to visit France. It was a lifelong goal. I’d been to a
lot of different countries for various conferences, but never had been
invited to one in France.
In 1998, however, an email showed up, inviting me to a conference called
PIERS - Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium. I hadn't heard of the
conference before, and I didn't know quite what it was about, but it was in
Nantes, France, and I saw my opportunity. I talked it over with Shelly, and
he agreed it was a good thing to do, so I was set. I just needed a topic. I
quickly put together some ideas based on the work I was doing with Olivier
Martin, and bought my tickets.
And here is where the randomness of life really comes into play. That
conference turned out to be truly fortuitous and pivotal. In the session that
I was in, it turned out there were lots of people talking about negative ε
and even Pendry's wire medium. A couple of groups were actually doing
detailed numerical simulations, and had succeeded in verifying Pendry's
prediction. There were no experiments, but at least there was growing
evidence that the theory was right. Still, it required really, really thin
叫PIERS會議 - 在電磁研究進展研討會。在這次之前我從沒有聽說過這個研討會,我真的
It also turned out that Eli Yablonovitch, who along with Sajeev John was one
of the founders of the field of photonic crystals - was attending the
conference and that session. Both Shelly and I had known Eli for many years,
and so when I saw him we started comparing notes on the session. At the time,
he was very interested in wire structures as well, and was also interested in
the possibility of microwave plasmons. So, we had common interests.
"You know," Eli told me, "I've organized a meeting on photonic crystals in a
few months in Laguna Beach this year. Why don't you come and talk about
microwave plasmons?"
Laguna Beach. It sounded great. I was in. But I didn’t know anything about
microwave plasmons, other than that I was hoping someone would propose a
structure that we could make.
"Sure," I responded, "but I don't know anything about microwave plasmons."
Eli, being one of the giants in the field, could be very persuasive. He
replied "that's ok, you've got a few months. Just get some ideas together and
come and talk about them."
I was still a little worried. I doubted there would be much I could do in
just a few months.
"Ok," I said, "but if I can't come up with anything, can I switch my topic to
photonic crystal accelerator cavities?" Photonic crystal accelerator cavities
were what I had studied as a graduate student. I had lots to say on that
topic. It was a good failsafe topic.
"Of course," Eli assured me. And that was that.
I spent two weeks traveling around France, and it was spectacular! Thoughts
of wire structures and plasmons left my mind. There was no rush and no
impending deadline
作者: scar906 (三年沒吃過炒飯)   2015-03-27 13:27:00
不愧是 傅鶴齡 教授
作者: walter0914 (反反果迷)   2015-03-27 13:27:00
作者: loveSETSUNA (味噌豆腐)   2015-03-27 13:28:00
作者: accin (acc)   2015-03-27 13:31:00
恩恩 跟我想的一樣
作者: ga023630 (芬蘭草莓)   2015-03-27 13:32:00
先MEMO起來 晚點再看 感謝
作者: kakami (新宿王子)   2015-03-27 13:37:00
作者: al1l1 (霧濛濛)   2015-03-27 14:13:00

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