These are the world's most powerful passports
A passport from a country on good diplomatic terms with its peers is a
powerful tool, allowing holders to travel across borders with ease.
Financial firm Arton Capital, which specializes in helping wealthy
individuals obtain multiple citizenships, sometimes through immigrant
investor programs, has put together a ranking of the world's most powerful
Financial firm Arton Capital這家公司專門代辦有錢人拿多國身分,方便它們做跨國投
The ranking shows which passports give holders the most global mobility,
based on how many countries can be visited without a visa, or by getting one
upon arrival.
Developed countries with advanced economies fare the best. Tied for first
place are U.S. and U.K. passports, which give holders access to 147 countries.
Passports from the world's most populous country, China, offer quick access
to 74 countries. Indian passport holders aren't so lucky, with 59 easy
destinations. A Russian passport provides 98 country options.
的國家拿59。 普丁國拿了94張免簽。
Here are the top-ranked passports, followed by the number of countries they
offer access to: 好棒棒的國家排名
U.S., U.K. (147 countries)
France, South Korea, Germany (145)
Sweden, Italy (144)
Denmark, Singapore, Finland, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands (143)
Switzerland (142)
And the bottom-ranked passports: 別人都不太想這些國家來自己家的取暖時間
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Yemen, Central African Republic, Kosovo (41)
Equatorial Guinea, Bhutan, Comoros, Burundi (40)
Somalia, Eritrea (39)
Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, Ethiopia, Nepal (38)
South Sudan, Solomon Islands, Palestinian Territories, Sao Tome and Principe,
Myanmar (28) 緬甸敬陪末座
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
http://imgur.com/loUDHW5 台灣排名28名,感謝 馬總統英明!
http://imgur.com/HZbct9t 祖國才74國免簽,所以都是 馬總統的實質政績!
別再說 馬總統沒有政績了! 人家只是謙虛而已喔! 啾咪~~
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