俄羅斯李星一記~給酷!! 秒殺了搶匪~
The UnderGround Taekwondo Series
A man in a hooded sweatshirt with his hand menacingly in his pocket tried to
rob a jewelry store in Chelyabinsk, Russia. The robber threw a bag on the
counter and threatened a store employee. Luckily, Taekwondo champion lya
Batrak knocked the robber down with a dolrya chagi, which induced a seizure.
Showing the presence of mind and compassion that martial arts develops, the
fighter then made sure the robber's airway stayed clear.
有帽子的運動衫在用手險惡地在他的口袋裡地下跆拳道系列 A 男子試圖搶劫一家珠寶店
道冠軍李亞普巴托拉克擊倒強盜 dolrya chagi,誘發癲癇發作。表現出的沉著和同情武
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