KennethC (Smith)
2015-05-10 23:10:561.媒體來源:
Facebook users donate $10 million to Nepal quake survivors
FB 用戶們募集了 1000 萬美金,要捐給尼泊爾大地震的倖存者
Facebook users have raised $10 million to help Nepal in the aftermath of last
week's deadly earthquake, the social network's founder Mark Zuckerberg
announced Friday.
"In two days, more than half a million people donated and raised more than
$10 million," Zuckerberg said in a post on his personal Facebook page.
祖克柏表示:「 FB 用戶們募集了 1000 萬美金,要幫助上禮拜
尼泊爾大地震的倖存者。在兩天以內,超過了 50 萬人有捐款。」
Facebook (FB, Tech30) launched a "donate button" on top of the site, reaching
out to its 1.4 billion monthly users for help.
Zuckerberg said the company would boost the donation with additional $2
million, bringing the total to $12 million