Re: [新聞] 顏寬恒知道「消波塊」 佩服網友想像力

作者: sxing6326 (話題終結者)   2015-05-21 17:37:36
※ 引述《tp943308 (lemon)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《dodoro1 (show)》之銘言:
: : 國民黨台中市第二選區將由現任立委顏寬恒競選連任,但同樣在該選區經營已久的不分區
: : 藍委紀國棟可能脫黨參選。對此顏寬恒上午受訪說,地方上的確實傳聞很多,但因為還沒
: : 確定,不會對此回應,尊重紀的意願,大家都是要為地方努力,他會繼續一步一腳印,爭
: : 取選民認同。
: : 媒體問,紀國棟若脫黨參選,是否會影響選情?顏寬恒說,當然會,明年大選情勢困難,
: : 藍綠一對一對決,要贏都很困難,何況還三強鼎立,希望黨部能多與紀國棟溝通,不要演
: : 變到那樣的局面。顏寬恒也說,他最近看網路、看電視,消息都還沒確定,會先靜觀其變
: : 。
: : 媒體好奇,顏寬恒平常會上網看網友留言嗎?顏寬恒說,他都會上網看資料,也會看網友
: : 討論的話題,他覺得網友留言都很辛辣,觸角也很廣,但有些流言,根本不是事實。
: : 媒體勇敢追問,那知道什麼是消波塊嗎?顏寬恒說,知道不好的意思,也很諷刺,讓人不
: : 得不佩服網友的想像力、發言的方向,但很多關於他們家的評論,根事實相差太遠,對人
: : 的基本尊重也沒有,但畢竟是網友的發言,也不知道對方是誰,無法回應。(何哲欣/台
: : 北報導)
: :
: 可不可以別在綁架神明了阿
: 每次看到高美濕地跟台中港的海
: 他們都在對我哭泣你知道嗎 ?
: 襙你的 台中海線死胖子
: 補個不自殺聲明
: I, tp943308 , do hereby solemnly declare the following:
: I, of sound mind and body, do not suffer from any chronic illnesses of either
: a physical or mental nature, and will therefore incontrovertibly refrain from
: all suicidal actions or any events that may be thus construed.
: I do not suffer from insomnia, and therefore do not and will not take sleep-
: inducing medication of any kind.
: I am not an alcoholic and am not a user of any illicit drugs or other
: illegal substances.
: I have never and will never venture in the vicinity of the following:
: 1. Open waters.
: 2. Swimming pools where a lifeguard is not present.
: 3. Places where high-pressured or hazardous gases are present, or basements
: or water storage facilities lacking proper ventilation.
: 4. Any elevated location where no proper safety rails or safeguards are
: present.
: 5. Any construction site (except those pertaining to the demolishing of the
: government), including sites where breakwater blocks are made.
: 6. Any site or locale not covered in the above criteria, but is nevertheless
: not where normal persons of sound mind and body will enter.
: I have and will always adhere strictly to the following:
: 1. I will thoroughly inspect my vehicle for any faults or malfunctions before
: driving, and will turn off the power on my vehicle and on my cell phone
: before refueling.
: 2. I will never run a red light, nor accelerate past a yellow light.
: 3. When taking any form of rail transport, before the train has come to a
: complete stop, I will always retreat to a distance of at least one step
: behind the waiting line.
: 4. When riding a motorcycle, I will always wear a certified helmet; when
: driving or riding in a car, I will always wear a seat belt.
: 5. I will never venture near any locale or equipment where radiation poses an
: immediate risk to the human body (for example, nuclear power plants).
: 6. I will never head into the mountains or to the seashore during typhoons or
: otherwise stormy weather.
: I have and will always do my utmost to adhere to safety standards when using
: appliances and equipment powered by electricity, natural gas, or fire.
: The electrical wiring in my residence is in compliance with relevant
: regulations, and has not nor will ever be the cause of a fire.
: I have and will never store excessive amounts of flammable gases or liquids
: in my residence.
: My bathrooms are free of all electric appliances, except necessary lighting.
: Before sleeping, I always turn off all electric appliances, except any
: necessary lighting, the refrigerator, and electric fans.
: I have and will never engage in disputes or clashes, physical or otherwise,
: with persons with whom I am not acquainted. Moreover, I have and will always
: strive to ensure my personal safety.
: If, after being notified of the above, my fellow netizens discover that this
: ID has disappeared from online activity for a substantial amount of time,
: please do all in your means to seek justice for me. Thank you.
作者: xzcb2008 (非常森77牛)   2015-05-21 17:38:00
作者: PunkGrass (龐克草)   2015-05-21 17:38:00
有差嗎 人家吃飯不是靠臉
作者: esunbank (嘻嘻)   2015-05-21 17:38:00
死胖子阿 幹 能活這麼久 沒天理
作者: DONNY (Donny)   2015-05-21 17:39:00
顏家今天應該蠻忙的 起碼十件事情要處理.........
作者: Rocks5566 (5566最棒棒>//////<)   2015-05-21 17:39:00
老婆好像都蠻正的 結果…
作者: lpbrother (趴趴153豆瓣LP哥)   2015-05-21 17:39:00
當陽光 再次 回到那 飄著雨的消波塊灘
作者: chris7 (喉頭一甜)   2015-05-21 17:40:00
作者: Levelmax99   2015-05-21 17:40:00
作者: YenChinBiao (阿標)   2015-05-21 17:41:00
作者: kitune (狐)   2015-05-21 17:45:00
作者: DONNY (Donny)   2015-05-21 17:46:00
消波塊赫見男屍 海巡人員急援助。
作者: skes6666 (思念的季節)   2015-05-21 17:53:00

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