egjan (AllenGaIer)
2015-06-05 19:58:40※ 引述《cjoe (TeA)》之銘言:
: http://www.ieaaie2015.org/forum/forum.asp
: Some people shared their concern and enquired about MERS in Korea.
: The probability that you will be infected by MERS in a public place in Korea
: is virtually zero. There has not been a case of public infection of MERS
: reported in Korea. We also believe this has been true in other countries as
: well.
: Confirmed infection cases in Korea happened only between the persons within
: particular hospitals and those people have been separated and taken care of.
: Korean government has taken every precaution to stop the spread of the MERS.
: According to the data, MERS is not that infectious. For example, even when
: you live with a family member who has MERS and are continuously in contact
: with him/her, the probability of infection is below 4%. In the public
: community, this probability becomes virtually zero.
: Furthermore, MERS is only spread through direct contact of body fluid, blood
: etc. You will never be infected through the air (Source: Korea Center for
: Disease Control). Also, those people who got infected are completely
: recovering.
: A healthy person has no reason to be afraid of MERS in Korea. Of course, if
: one already has health problems such as a very low immune level, fever, or a
: respiratory disease, one should not be traveling anywhere.
: According to Korea Center for Disease Control, washing your hands is a very
: strong and effective method for preventing MERS. The conference will set up
: number of hand sanitizers for participants at the conference and will take
: every precaution.
: 以下個人補充
: 【更新】韓MERS傳染途徑 醫院空調疑是元兇
: * http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150605/623147/
: 研討會這樣直接說得到的機率是0,並且篤定式的說只有體液才會傳染對嗎?
傳染病的傳染力趨近於零 你敢信嗎?
60多人感染 人口5000多萬
機率是10^-6 這個小於10的-3次方就會被忽略了
真的沒有傳染Mers? 那60多人是被鬼弄到?