JOHNJJ (囧ä¸ä¸)
2015-06-30 16:46:02※ 引述《t1013tom (哈哈阿昶)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《sumitani545 (專業流浪漢)》之銘言:
: : 本魯其實有參加過外國的color run,跑完之後其實是有一個幾乎一樣的粉末趴。其實粉
: : 末的濃度真的不亞於這次發生的事件,因此發生事故後的隔天我趕緊寫信給cooler run提
: : 醒他們粉塵爆炸的可能性。
: : 剛剛得到了他們的回覆,全文如下:
: : Hi, Chris!
: : Just as a follow up, “The Color Run™ can confirm that all of the powder used
: : in its Asia-Pacific events has been tested for flammability and successfully
: : passed the required EU standards. The powder used in the tragic incident in Ta
: : ipei is different from that used in The Color Run™ events and was not provide
: : d by the The Color Run™ supplier.
: : As previously stated, The Color Run™ and its sponsors, partners, and affiliat
: : es have no association with the venue, organizers, or equipment used at the Ta
: : ipei event. However, we take the events that occurred in Taipei very seriously
: : as the health and safety of our participants and our employees has always bee
: : n at the forefront of our minds and actions. As a professional events company
: : with highly vetted policies and processes, we conduct thorough testing to ensu
: : re the safety of our materials and their application and we are confident in t
: : he safety of our events.
: : The Color Run™ has hosted more than 500 global events with more than four mil
: : lion participants without any fire-related incidents. We remain committed to s
: : taging safe and secure events.”
: : Thanks!
: : 大致上就是說 先否認這個活動粉末的來與官相同。他們的有經過歐盟認可之類的。
: : 接著說作為一個專業的活動主辦單位,安全是他們舉辦活動的中旨,他們很有信心確保材
: : 料的安全。
: : 差不多就這樣,可惜那個粉在回國的時候把它丟了,要不然可以拿來做實驗,就知道可燃
: : 性了。
: : 手機排版,po一張照片證明是官方回文。
: : http://i.imgur.com/Jyo7QOr.jpg