the4122 (tre4erta)
2015-07-08 16:37:27※ 引述《s2657507 (hao)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: Ice cave collapses in Washington, killing 1 and injuring 4
: 華盛頓一處冰凍崩塌,導致一死四傷。
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: One person was killed and four others injured when an ice cave collapsed
: Monday in a national forest in northwest Washington.
: 華盛頓州一處國家森林內的冰洞於星期一坍方,並造成一死四傷
: The incident took place at the Big Four Ice Caves in the Mount
: Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, a popular spot for people wanting to get
: away from the heat.
: 此起意外發生在位於貝克史諾瓜米山國家森林內的冰洞,此處為相當受歡迎的避暑勝地
: "It's not illegal to go in the caves. However, we've been saying since
: mid-May, it's extremely dangerous with all this hot weather," said Shari
: Ireton with the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office
: 史諾霍米須郡警長辦公室的Shari Ireton表示:
: "進入冰洞並不違法,但我們自五月中以來不斷警告,冰洞因為天氣炎熱而變得非常危險"
: She said the heat weakens the caves and makes the ice more prone to melting.
: 她說冰洞因高溫變得脆弱,也使得裡頭的冰有融化的趨勢
: "There was a large pile of ice and rock that came down," she said. "So it
: 其中三十五歲的女士已經於星期一晚上出院
: A 25-year-old man is in an intensive care unit there, having been upgraded
: from critical to serious condition, the hospital said Tuesday. And a
: 35-year-old man has been moved out of the ICU after going from serious to
: satisfactory condition.
: 醫院於星期二表示,一位二十五歲的男士尚未脫離險境並於加護病房中接受治療。
: 另一位三十五歲的男士則是在病情回穩後自加護病房轉出
: Monday's death was the first at the caves since an 11-year-old girl was
: crushed by a chunk of ice in 2010.
: 星期一的冰洞意外是自2010年一位十一歲女孩被一塊冰砸死之後的首起死亡案例
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: http://goo.gl/bbnU3q
: 5.備註:
: 冰洞如果在新北市,就是國難又可以領國賠呢。
: 附上一個pH很低der網友留言:
: I don't understand some people. Swimming with alligators, setting off
: fireworks on your head, entering ice caves in hot weather. The Darwin Award
: nominations are filling up quickly this year.
: 真搞不懂一些人,跟鱷魚一起游泳、在自己頭上放煙火、在熱到靠北的時候跑進去冰洞玩
: 今年的達爾文獎提名候選人好快就滿了喔