Merlion (台台-獨派大老)
2015-07-13 18:47:16※ 引述《OwenKao (夜色蒼蒼 星野茫茫)》之銘言:
: 台灣醫療亞洲第一全球第三
: wcyyin / 2014-09-17
: 02012 年,美國國家地理頻道紀錄片《亞洲新視野:台灣醫療奇蹟》介紹:台灣醫療技術
: 在國際間早已享有盛名,全球前200 大醫院中,台灣就佔了14 家,僅次於美國及德國,
: 排名全球第3 ,也是亞洲第1 。
這份排名 我一直在查來源
結果查到 "中華民國對外貿易發展協會" 某份PPT 的某一頁
應該是外貿協會要發展國際醫療 為了打廣告所找來的排名
Source: Ranking Web of World Hospitals
其中慈濟世界第13名 全台灣第1 痛電台大 長庚 榮總
然後又去查了評比方式 (為以下四大指標)
1.Size (S). Number of pages recovered from four engines:Google, Yahoo, Live
Search and Exalead.
從Google, Yahoo,Live search,Exalead所獲得的總頁數 (比重20%)
For each engine, results are log-normalised to 1 for the
highest value. Then for each domain, maximum and minimum results are excluded
and every institution is assigned a rank according to the combined sum.
2.Visibility (V). The total number of unique external links received (inlinks)
by a site can be only confidently obtained from Yahoo Search, Live Search and
Exalead. For each engine, results are log-normalised to 1 for the highest
value and then combined to generate the rank.
由Google, Yahoo,Live search,Exalead 搜尋到被網站收錄的外部連結總數
3.Rich Files (R). After evaluation of their relevance to academic and
publication activities and considering the volume of the different file
formats, the following were selected: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Microsoft Excel
(.xls), Microsoft Word (.doc) and Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt). These data
were extracted using Google and merging the results for each filetype after
log-normalising in the same way as described before.
4.Scholar (Sc). Google Scholar provides the number of papers and citations for
each academic domain. These results from the Scholar database represent
papers, reports and other academic items.
看到以上就傻眼了 簡單講評比方式就是醫院在網路搜尋引擎上的能見度...