光復元朗女文員被指用胸撞警 港司法制度「揚威海外」
女被告主動「用胸撞人」,更「杜撰非禮指控」,行為「相當惡毒」。 判決不單引起網民
及案件經過,並在文章開首及結尾明言有關方面未有公布受襲警員的傷勢,極盡諷刺。 同
A Hong Kong Woman Just Got Convicted of Assaulting a Police Officer With Her
Alissa Greenberg / Hong Kong @alissaleewrites
July 16, 2015
Hong Kong Police Continue To Clear Protest Sites
Alexander Koerner—Getty Images Riot police forces clash with pro-democracy
protesters shortly after midnight at Mong Kok on October 19, 2014 in Hong
The extent of the officer's physical injuries was not revealed
A court in Hong Kong convicted 30-year-old Ng Lai-ying Thursday of assaulting
a police officer by hitting him with her breast during a protest on March 1.
Ng testified that during the protest the officer had reached out his arm to
grasp the strap of her bag and that his hand had come in contact with her
upper left breast, the South China Morning Post reports.
She told the court that she immediately yelled, “Indecent assault!”
But in his decision, the magistrate rejected those allegations, accusing Ng
of lying in her testimony and instead finding her guilty of using her breast
to bump the officer’s arm. “You used your female identity to trump up the
allegation that the officer had molested you. This is a malicious act,” he
There was no word on what physical injuries, if any, the officer suffered.