Adorable Bear Family Frolicked on New Jersey Golf Course
這三隻黑熊常常在附近居民住家游泳池撒野 有時也會去盪人家的秋千
所以偶爾打打高爾夫也挺正常的 - 附近的居民說
Jul 28, 2015, 11:11 AM ET
By KAYLEE HECK via Good Morning America
A sunny day in a New Jersey town brought three bears out to play.
The mother bear and her two cubs were caught on video playing around on the
green of a golf course, just a few hundred feet away from homes.
“It’s a way of life if you live here,” Vernon Township spokeswoman
Michelle Downtain told ABC News today.
One cub is seen sniffing around the sand trap before taking a running start
and tackling its sibling.
“They’re absolutely beautiful and people have seen them in their pools or
on their swing sets. It doesn’t surprise me they came out to play on a golf
course,” Downtain said.
"Ironically, [the town] has a huge statue of a black bear named Samantha
outside our municipal building," she added.
There were no golfers on the course when the video was filmed
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