※ 引述《jeanvanjohn (尚市長)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《james7923 (Ho LaN WonG)》之銘言:
: : 好了,美國外交家雜誌”八月號,郝志堅(Dennis V. Hickey),拆穿了沒有穿衣服的民
: : 進黨。
: : 1
: : 他毫不客氣,直接指控民進黨用「租用暴民」(rent a mob)的手法做政治操作。
: 首先第一點: "租用暴民"這篇是劉屏寫的,劉屏跟臧胖並列汪中駐美謠指部的兩大頭頭。
: 然後我查了一下Dennis其人的言論:
: https://goo.gl/oSjgk1
: 在馬英九總統任內,推行類似的政策,稱為活路外交。相較於務實外交,
: 活路外交更重視與中華人民共和國之間的雙邊互信與友善關係,
: 避免可能侵犯一個中國的外交作為。
: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1439020582.A.8B5.html
: 雖然DPP自稱是負責任的政黨,但美國防衛計畫制定者們卻忍不住
: 猜想,DPP會為了追求從中國獨立而將美國捲入海峽危機。
: 簡單說,Dennis這人就是美國的9.2,各位有意見嗎?
連結 http://goo.gl/JNghNl
Hickey then tumbles when he points to “concerns” (by whom he
doesn’t say) that the DPP has “given up on democracy,” a claim
that makes little sense in the wake of its unprecedented victory
in the nine-in-one local elections in November 2014. The author
states that the DPP is “reportedly” (he does not provide a
source) “embracing a Middle Eastern practice known as ‘rent a
mob’ and subsidizing extremists who attack Taiwan’s government
Come to think of it, Hickey doesn’t need to give us a source, as
what he tells us is exactly what a struggling KMT—especially the
farcical and discredited Alex Tsai and Chiu Yi—has been saying
since the Sunflower Movement’s occupation of the Legislative Yuan
in 2014. For political reasons, the Ma administration has been
unable or unwilling to accept the fact that society is capable of
acting independently of the establishment and that it will take
action whenever the system is perceived to be failing. Rather than
confront the generational and identity challenge that has emerged
in recent years, the KMT has instead chosen the path of least
resistance: blame everything on the DPP.
被打槍的好嗎. 並指出這是從太陽花學運之後馬政府一直無法認清的事實:台灣
社會在代議系統失靈時,有辦法自主且獨立地表達不滿,而非郝先生文中所指的 是
DPP收買學生及反抗人士。 並強調這是國民黨處理反對聲音時一貫且無腦的作法