有人好像寫信去問達文西理想博物館館長 Alessandro Vezzosi 關於此
Andrea Rossi...究竟有沒有八卦呢?
Dear Museo Ideale,
Recently there's a exhibition held in Taiwan called "The Face of
Leonardo Da Vinci", They exhibit Leonardo's self-portrait found
in 2008 and claim that painting was proofed to be authentic in
2011 base on Carbon-14 dating.
However, I saw Mr. Alessandro Vezzosi on wiki said he had excluded
the possibility that it was a self-portrait.
May I ask that are there any new evidence found recently can proof
it's not a forgery? Or can I get any other research from authorities?
Sorry for bothering, but I have been searching on internet for days.
Looking forward to the reply.
Best wishes,
Gentili signori,
il Direttore Alessandro Vezzosi in questi giorni è fuori studio,
non parla inglese e in breve traduco una sintesi del suo pensiero
in risposta a diverse mail che gli sono pervenute da Taiwan. Vorrebbe
aiutarvi ma non è facile perché non conosce la mostra di cui parlate,
né il curatore Andrea Rossi, né l’opera danneggiata….
Per quanto invece riguarda il “ritratto lucano”, condivide il parere
negativo di altri esperti compresi Tomaso Montanari, Vittorio Sgarbi,
Antonio Natali…e ritiene che semplicemente raffiguri Leonardo in quanto
derivazione dal Ritratto di Leonardo della Galleria degli Uffizi di
Firenze (comparso nel 1715 a lungo famoso nel mondo e spesso copiato,
ma rivelatosi nel 1939 un’opera eseguita molto tempo dopo la morte di
L’unico probabile autoritratto di Leonardo è considerato il disegno
autografo delle Biblioteca Reale di Torino.
Con i più cordiali saluti da parte del Direttore,
La Segreteria
Dear Sirs,
Director Alessandro Vezzosi is in these days out of office, he does not
speak English and I shall translate a brief summary of his opinion in
response to several emails he received from Taiwan. He would like to
help you but it is not easy because he does not know the exhibition you
are talking about, nor the curator Andrea Rossi, nor the damaged work ....
With regard to the "Lucan portrait," he shares the negative opinion of
other experts including Tomaso Montanari, Vittorio Sgarbi, Antonio Natali ...
and he believes that it simply depicts Leonardo as derivation from the
Portrait of Leonardo in the Uffizi Gallery of Florence (appeared in
1715, long world-wide famous and often copied, but turned out to be
in 1939 a work done long after the death of Leonardo).
The only probable self-portrait of Leonardo is considered to be the
autograph drawing of the Royal Library of Turin.
Best regards also from the Director,
Secretary’s office