※ 引述《Charlie5566 (白石(⊙)(⊙)❺❺❻❻)》之銘言:
: 黑人被當成奴隸被賣到美州之後
: 就開始說英文 法文 西班牙文
: 為什麼黑人會忘記媽媽的話 有沒有八卦?
: 有沒有官方紀載 最後一個會說非洲話的黑人?
有一群人,叫做 Gullah people
Gullah 這詞源自安哥拉
並發展出一種克里奧語:Gullah language(又稱 Geechee)
Gullah language 語彙來自各種不同族群,融合了英語及以下這些西非、中非語言:
Mandinka, Wolof, Bambara, Fula, Mende, Vai, Akan, Ewe, Yoruba,
Igbo, Hausa, Kongo, Umbundu, and Kimbundu.
當然,隨著現代化的腳步,這群 Gullah people 也漸漸融入了美國社會中而消失了
http://goo.gl/y86JDG 國家地理雜誌的報導
Gullah Geechee Storyteller Preserves a Painful Past
The Gullah Geechee people are descendants of West African slaves brought
to the coasts of the Carolinas, Georgia, and northern Florida, whose geographic
isolation helped them retain a distinct culture and language. In chronicling
the injustice her ancestors faced, South Carolina Gullah storyteller Theresa
Jenkins Hilliard seeks to make their struggle real and relevant to younger
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gullah wiki