oftisa (oo)
2015-09-16 13:58:34連5歲小孩都會:英國將寫程式列為中小學必修,台灣卻連大學生都不想學
※ 引述《arrenwu (鍵盤流戰鬼)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 紐約時報
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: De Blasio to require computer science in New York City schools
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: To ensure that every child can learn the skills required to work in New York
: City’s fast-growing technology sector, Mayor Bill de Blasio will announce on
: Wednesday that within 10 years all of the city’s public schools will be
: required to offer computer science to all students.
: 為了確保每個小朋友都能學會在紐約快速成長的科學園區工作所必需的技能,
: 紐約市長白斯豪在星期三宣布,在十年內所有紐約市的公立學校都必須提供電腦科學教學
: Meeting that goal will present major challenges, mostly in training enough
: teachers. There is no state teacher certification in computer science, and no
: pipeline of computer science teachers coming out of college. Fewer than 10
: percent of city schools currently offer any form of computer science
: education, and only 1 percent of students receive it, according to estimates
: by the city’s Department of Education.
: 這個目標將遇到許多重大困難,尤其是需要訓練足夠的老師。
: 目前並沒有電腦科學的教師證照,也沒有預備的電腦科學教師。
: 從紐約市的教育部的估計,只有不到10%的市立學校目前有提供任何形式的電腦科學教學,
: 而且只有1%的學生受惠。
: Computer science will not become a graduation requirement, and middle and
: high schools may choose to offer it only as an elective. But the goal is for
: all students, even those in elementary school and those in the poorest
: neighborhoods, to have some exposure to computer science, whether building
: robots or learning to use basic programming languages like Scratch, which was
: devised by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to teach young children
: the rudiments of coding.
: 電腦科學這項目將不會成為畢業所需的門檻,國中以及高中學校也只會將其當成選修。
: 但這目標是讓所有地方的學生,包含那些小學以及偏鄉,都有機會接觸到電腦科學,
: 不管是建構機器人或學習像Scratch這種MIT為了教學而設計的程式語言都好。
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: http://nyti.ms/1UTzeZ6
: 5.備註:
: 不錯啊,電腦乃是人類最忠實的奴隸。
: 學會跟電腦溝通對很多人都是有幫助的,
: 也可以減少一些以為寫程式是資工系專長的麻瓜