footeye (痛忘)
2015-09-20 21:25:47小魯魯有個問題想問大家,相信板上都是TOEIC黃金證書、TOEFL100up、IELTS 9
The manager of a store was informed by a customer that a woman had taken somet
hing off a shelf and put in her bag without paying for it.
When he investigated, the manager saw articles similar to those for sale in th
e store in the woman's clear plastic bag.
At the cashier's counter, the manager accused her of shoplifting.
However, when the woman emptied her bag and the manager saw that she possessed
no stolen items, he apologized.
She pressed charges against him for slander.
Was the store manager guilty or not guilty of slander??
八卦板務請到 檢舉板詢問
一天只能張貼 兩則 問卦,自刪及被刪也算兩篇之內,
作者: ocean5566 (煙大屌熟男) 2015-09-20 21:30:00
善意 第三者 業務需要 這幾個關鍵字夠你掰出500字了 end. 查法條這麼難?答案是無罪 理由你自己想 ㄎ