→ tetani: 台灣人真的很窮了 看大家花錢都不太敢花 有被悲劇 08/23 17:14
@ Allianz http://is.gd/iMJ0Ir P123 P121
> financial assets EUR per capita Country classification
金融的 資產 歐元 每 人均 國 分類
Gross Net
Taiwan €76,346 €66,014 High Wealth Country
World €24,134 €17,678 -
→ tetani: 台灣人真的很窮了 看大家花錢都不太敢花 有被悲劇 08/23 17:14
@ Credit Suisse http://is.gd/pSGqSa http://i.imgur.com/AbdsVeW.png P93
瑞士信貸 http://i.imgur.com/rOd1X1x.jpg P25
> Financial wealth > Median wealth
金融的 財富 中位數 財富
per adult per adult Income Group
每 成人 每 成人 收入 分組
Asia-Pacific US$27,413 US$2,842 -
Taiwan 129,143 65,375 High income
World 35,197 3,641 -
推 g8330330: L型化,我8年吃不起餐廳了 08/23 17:14
→ tetani:台灣人真的很窮了 看大家花錢都不太敢花 有被悲劇 08/23 17:14
@ Credit Suisse http://is.gd/03aJRD http://i.imgur.com/AJFsSWw.jpg P105
瑞士信貸 http://i.imgur.com/v01wQVb.jpg P25
【 Distribution of adults (%) , by wealth range 】
分布 的 成人們 百分比 ,按照 財富 範圍
Under US$ 10,000- US$ 100,000- Over Income Group
US$10,000 US$100,000 US$1 million US$1 million 收入 組別
China 62.3% 35.4% 2.2% 0.1% Lower middle
Hong Kong 29.2 50.5 18.7 1.7 High Income
Japan 8.6 37.5 51.3 2.6 High Income
Korea 23.4 58.4 17.3 0.9 High Income
Singapore 18.2 31.1 46.6 4.2 High Income
Taiwan 20.0 40.4 37.5 2.1 High Income
World 69.8 21.5 7.9 0.7 -
→ tetani: 台灣人真的很窮了 看大家花錢都不太敢花 有被悲劇 08/23 17:14
推 g8330330: L型化,我8年吃不起餐廳了 08/23 17:14
@ CREDIT SUISSE http://is.gd/Xf9TZs P55 http://i.imgur.com/EjrSe0H.jpg
瑞士信貸 http://is.gd/L7Rgbk P55 http://i.imgur.com/yXDHKdS.jpg
October 2014
十月 2014
【 Taiwan , Asian Tiger 】
台湾 , アジアの虎
Taiwan is a good example of an Asian Tiger economy
Its average level of wealth, at USD 182,800, is well above that of even the
most successful developing and transition countries
資産の平均水準である182,800 米ドルは発展途上国と移行経済国のうち最も成功した国
and comparable to the wealth levels found in many countries in Western Europe
The large number of Taiwanese with high wealth reflects high average wealth,
rather than high wealth inequality:
the Gini coefficient of 73% lies in the moderate range for wealth holdings,
and is one of the lowest among emerging market economies.